March 2014

 Stephen had a great birthday turning 3. And April got hers wrong (by two years).

April 2014

Ryan has enjoyed working on "Annie" putting some to use the skills Bro. Rummage taught him in North Carolina. (Changing the timing belt here, I think)

July 2014

We had a great time visiting with all of our Bosworth cousins at the same time!

We enjoyed sharing some of our favorite things with them, including LD's cafe and the Limberpine hiking trail. 

The little boys both love driving "Annie".

August 2014

We enjoyed Rodeo Weekend in Preston with the Bosworth cousins. 

 And Ryan arranged with a friend for the kids to get to ride horses. They thought it was fantastic.

September 2014

The kids went back to school. Ian in fourth grade. Molly in second. And Stephen in a neighborhood playgroup/preschool.

October 2014

Molly loves first grade with her wonderful teacher Mrs. Chadwick & good friend Kylie. She is following in Ian's footsteps and earning all the reading awards quickly (in this case once they've read so much they get to "rock the halls" by running through the halls at school while all the kids cheer).

November 2014

December 2014

February 2013

Our oldest boy was baptized at the end of February. It's quite a landmark as a parent.